Data Backup, Protection, and Loss
Regardless of where you will store your data, it is important to think about creating guidelines to secure your data. Before beginning a project, you should determine a cadence for backing up the data you have collected. You might also want to consider having a database administrator periodically reviewing your data logs, to ensure that no malicious activity is occuring.
Depending on the type of data you are collecting, you might need to secure the information you are collecting. You can do this a few different ways:
- Only connect to ODK Aggregate from within your organization’s network
- Obtain an SSL certificate and install it on your server. You can find out more information about SSL certificate requirements by reviewing documentation provided by your server provider.
- Use Encrypted Forms (which will be discussed later in this manual)
Data Loss is also an important factor to take into consideration when collecting data. Your tolerance to data loss will decide how frequently you need to backup your data.