Data, Monitoring & Evaluation
Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) working in the development and humanitarian aid sectors want to be sure their projects are making an impact. In order to track these impacts, NGOs rely on data collected through a variety of methods. By ‘data’, we mean everything...
Data, Logframes, Monitoring & Evaluation
“Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all those other forms.”[1] Logical framework approaches (LFAs) – aka, logframes – are often an annoyance. A typical requirement of donors, they often serve as a tick-the-box exercise for managers in charge of...
Data, Gender, Monitoring & Evaluation
“The pandemic’s social and economic impacts will be disproportionately felt by women and girls in the long-term. Women are already experiencing worse impacts from lay-offs, school closures, increased gender-based violence, increased caregiving expectations, and...
Data, Gender, Monitoring & Evaluation, Our Organisation
“When we don’t have data, then we make assumptions. These assumptions typically revolve around a generic white man of 80kg. This can be dangerous in so many ways.” The following blog post uses information from the work of Caroline Criado Perez and...
Monitoring & Evaluation, Our Organisation
‘Even though they often have the best contextual knowledge for their area of operations, grassroots and small local organisations frequently face several challenges that their bigger or international counterparts do not face when it comes to receiving outside...